Thursday, November 19, 2009

Too Long

Alright. Sorry I have been AWOL for so long.

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been sick. I think I've had it all, and so has everybody else: sore throat, sneezing, stuffy nose, runny nose, headache, fever, chills, cough, sinus pain, ear infection, Bronchitis, eye infection, throwing up, and diarrhea. Yuck. I think we're done with being sick for now. I am so ready to get back into life. Hopefully there is a bright side to all of this and we will avoid all of the sickness during the holidays, right? Abby is getting another tooth in and has a fever and is grumpy. I am ready for her to be my smiley little thing again and stop waking me up 4 times a night! Blarg!

The enchiladas are burning so I had better run, but I promise to post pictures soon.


wendy holt said...

Glad you are back. Sorry about the illness, if it makes you feel any better, we have been perfectly healthy.

Will you be there for Christmas?

KevandChels said...

Aw, that does sound terrible! I'm sorry!

Al and Jenny said...

Oh my gosh, that sounds horrible!! We have been battling the sore throat/runny nose/sinus pain thing for a couple of weeks, but I am really hoping we avoid the rest of the list you just posted.

Hang in there. I want some of your enchiladas...mmm....that sounds so good!!

Becky said...

Sorry about all the ickiness! I hate being sick. We had a bit here at our house but it was confined to James and Brian. The baby and I were healthy as horses--Thankfully!

Glad you are back though. We miss you when you are gone! Remember there are some of us that very rarely get to see y'all but we love to know what is happening with Heather (and family)!

Elise said...

We've had a rough November so far, too. Sorry to hear that you have been sick. And not just the wimpy kind either.

Best wishes for a wonderful and healthy holiday.

Wendy said...

Glad you guys are all better - it stinks to have sick kids, especially when you're sick yourself!

It was good to see you guys when you were here - we miss you!

Linzi Lou, Samantha Boo, Madi Moo, and Chris too said...

Note to self....pack my lysol!!!!