Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Thanks a lot!

Well, today it finally happened...I was at the library and one of the librarians looked me up and down and said, "Girl, when are you due?" I told her and she said, "Are you having twins?!" I started to nervously laugh to cover up my embarrassment and said, "No." She said, "Well it's just that your stomach is so round. That's going to be a big baby." Gee, thanks. That's exactly what I needed to hear when I was already feeling frumpy, round, emotional, extra-large, and crappy. Why do people say stuff like that??


Jon and Nicole said...

I am SO happy that you have a blog now! It is such a great way to stay in touch with people. I didn't realize you were so close to your due date. How exciting! Those last few weeks can be rough- oh, how I remember. Hang in there!

Shannon said...

Hey... you *know people said crap like that to me, and not even when I was close to being due, like you are. They said it to me when I was like 5 mos pg LOL Your pics from Memphis are way cute and you don't look like you are having twins.

Wendy said...

The lame thing is it is usually coming from some lady that has kids and has been in the same position as you are. They must have a short memory for the way a person looks a month before they're due AND for the emotional state of the pg person. I'm sure you look fabulous. Hang in there - you're almost done!

Mandy said...

Hey Heather! So happy you have a blog! I just wanted to say that in the past 7 months I have had 3 people ask if I was pregnant. Yep- pregnant! And I'm not, had a baby 9 months ago and apparently still look pregnant. I think people should just keep their mouths shut!

Becky said...

People say that kind of stuff cuz they are idiots that deserve to be shot on the spot.
The day after I was due with James, I went to IHOP and the hostess started hyperventalating when she saw me. I actually thought I should call for help when she started pointing at my belly. That is about when the rest of the restaurant started staring at me too. I was not pleased. She is just lucky that she didn't touch my belly cuz she would have totally lost a hand.
PS. I'm glad you have a blog that I can see!

Jeanette said...

Heather I got that a lot when I was preg... I just did what I am good at and spoke exactly what was on my mind. It was not pretty and I think one of those times Nick was around and could not believe his wife could actually say all of those words! But each time they got what they needed. The only people that stay small are the ones that don't eat anything even if it is bad for their baby