Well, we had our baby last Sunday, August 22. He came at 31 weeks. I guess the placenta was starting to detach, so after a week of small complications, I went into labor. In true Heather fashion, I went from not being dilated at all, to a 10 in less than 12 hours. Luckily I was at the hospital, as they had made me stay to be monitored. I had sent Pete home because I didn't think there was going to be anything going on. But the contractions got much stronger and the next thing they knew, I was at a 5. So I called Pete at 2 in the morning and told him to drop the kids at a friend's house and get to the hospital as quick as he could. They thought it was safer for the baby on the outside, so they let him come.
The baby was born at 5:56am. He weighed 3 pounds 9 ounces and was 17 inches long. He is in the NICU and will be for about 4 more weeks I think. He is gaining weight, breathing well, and is doing great. He just needs to get bigger and strong. We are grateful that he is ok and that he is a part of our family. Needless to say, it has been a physically and emotionally exhausting week. Luckily Pete had the week off. My mom just got here, so I am really grateful for the help, and for the love and support we're received from friends and family.