(Abby just celebrated her 2nd birthday.)

Things here are going just fine. We had a couple of sunny days this week, which was nice, so I was able to walk Em to school. Today it has rained all day. Last week it rained and we had a leak in the foundation the was sending water into our basement. Argh! It was only is a small part of it, but still a huge pain. I had to tear back the carpet and dry it, then pull the paneling off the wall so the waterproofers could come and find the leak. They came on Tuesday and then came back today to patch it. I told the guy that I should get a punch card for as many times as they've been to my house since we moved in. Also, my car has been in the shop. I walked down to the shop and picked it up last night and when I started it up, it was still making the same noise. What did I just pay $400 for?! Car repairs=no fun.
Pete is off nights now, so that's nice. It's good to have him back among the living. He takes his board exams tomorrow and then has to head to the hospital for an over night on-call shift. I'm trying to think of something to entertain the kids on a rainy day. Today we played Red Light/ Green Light, Simon Says, Mother May I, London Bridges,etc. I'm about burned out of those games so hopefully I can come up with something else. Maybe the library?
Aaahhh! The kiddos are SOO cute! Sorry for the house and car problems. Real life sucks sometimes. Did you hear that we are moving to Utah? Ben got a job in Ogden. We are going to live in Layton. Now to sell our house/and find a house...oh, and start paying student loans. Uuuggghhhh.
Hope this is a great week for you and your crew.
Such cute pictures of your kids! Love them! I absolutely hate going to get my girls pictures taken but it's always worth it when it's done.
I was actually just thinking of you today. I don't know if I ever really thanked you for the card you sent our family when Jon's grandparents passed away. It was so nice of you to think of us.
As for the rain- my girls could color, cut, glue and tape all day long. But the library sounds fun too!
How about Ring around the rosies? We did that today.
Those pictures are soooo cute! I can't believe how big your kids are. Glad spring is coming there too. I love the warmer weather.
Beautiful pictures Heather! They are all growing so fast. I sure miss you!
Beautiful! Hopefully we get to see you guys this summer!
Such great pictures! Your kids look so cute! No one is crying, picking their nose, pulling their hair barrettes out, slobbering on themself or their siblings... How did you work this magic? Miss ya!
OH my goodness! Talk about good looking kids! Those pictures are gorgeous and they all look just like you and Pete! So cute!
First of all, you amaze me. You were tearing up carpet and pulling off paneling? When did you find time for this? I hate car stuff. Seriously, I took mine in to get the oil changed and they call me saying it needs 5 other things fixed.
On a good note- your children are beautiful and so big. Emily's hair is absolutely gorgeous like her mothers!
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