Pete and Jake share the same Birthday, August 22nd. Pete had most of the day off, which is a real treat for us. We went to lunch at a Sushi/Chinese buffet (Pete likes Sushi and the rest of us like Chinese).
While Pete was at work, the kids and I decorated the house. When he got home, we had dinner and then opened presents and had cake. I made Peter a dulce de leche cheesecake and Jake a baseball cake (pictures are on another camera and I haven't taken them off yet.) Jake enjoyed eating sweets for the first time. One of Pete's presents was tickets to a Red's game for the family. I'll post pictures of that soon.

Here is a picture of Jake when he was a month old, buckled in the car seat to come home from the NICU. The picture next to it is how he looks now, 11 months later, sitting in his car seat. :)

(Don't mind his crazy hair and his crazy expression. It was nap time and he seemed really confused about us taking his picture!)