Well baby Jake came home a week ago today. Truth be told, it has been a rough week! I'll spare you the details mostly because I don't want to relive the crappiness. It is great to have him home, though, and he is doing great. He is eating well and growing.

(I had to post a picture of him in these little shorts because I thought they were hilarious. The picture doesn't do it justice because you can't tell how little he is.)
My sister Katie flew out and helped me with the girls so I could run back and forth to the hospital before Jake came home. Before she saw him, I was trying to show her how big he was. I used Abby's doll as a comparison, but then we couldn't decide if that was accurate or not, so I thought I'd take a picture. He's pretty close to her size!
Jake's crying, so I had better run, but I'll post more pictures later. :)