A couple of people have asked to see pictures of the house, so I thought I'd post some.

Here is the family room. When we moved in, it was some really funky colors, like lemon yellow and bright, dark pink. Pete and I painted the family room, dining room, and hallways.
I had to show a close-up of the end table because it was my latest bargain. I got it for 5 bucks on craigslist, replaced the glass and added some screws for a grand total of 12 bucks!
Here is the dining room.

These are the main floor rooms.
Upstairs: Here is Emily and Abby's room.
This is a nook in their room where we keep their toys. Messy right now. :)
Our room.
The basement. Pete and I redid this. Here are the "befores":

Well, that's the run through, except for the backyard. I'll have to take some pics and post them. It's pretty wild back there; lots of grass, bushes, trees. But it is really green, so I'll take it!