This last weekend I took at trip up to Cincinnati to look for a house. I left the two girls home with Pete. He did a great job with them, which I knew he would. It's nice to know that I can turn things over to him and everything will be ok. My trip was pretty productive. We saw about 20 houses, 2 of them twice. It was a whirlwind trip and I am still exhausted from it. We have an offer pending on one of the houses, so we're just waiting to see what the seller has to say about some of the things we want fixed. What a pain. It seems like all of the houses in our price range are old and falling apart. ;/ I saw some real pieces of junk this weekend. One house smelled like smoke so bad I couldn't breath and had a huge bar just filled with liquor; another house was in such a scary neighborhood that once we got there, we didn't even go in. I told the realtor I wasn't sending my child to school in that neighborhood, so we turned around and left. Another house was super dark and scary and had the family room sliding glass door smashed out. The backyards of 3 different houses opened up to storage units, a mall, and a gravel parking lot. My favorite, though, is the house that claimed to have 1 and a half baths. Here is the picture of what they considered a half bath...